17 – 18 May 2025

Hello 👋🏼 I’m a self-supported, single-stage, fixed-route cycling event in Lucerne, Switzerland. My course is challenging, beautiful and wild! I’m sold out, but have a waiting list -see below…


A fairly new challenge just happens the second time in Lucerne. 100 riders will cycle two days throw the finest dirt-roads Lucerne has to offer!

The route and effort is timed, but there is no celebration of individual performances. The fact that the riders dare to take part is worthy of equal praise.

An approx. 320km loop with mixed terrain and some elevation. Two days of mixed emotions, beautiful landscapes and wild rides. At least 60% of the route was on natural roads, singletrails. Of these, at least 95% (time) will be rideable.
The route passes through several towns which offer overnight accommodation and resupply.
Gravel or MTB with light gears and min. 40mm tires. (Expect some S2 trails up and down. If comfort is more important than time we would highly recommend to bring a MTB.)
Weatherproof clothing, lighting, repair kit, GPS device (cell phone), cycling computer with the route, battery pack, first aid kit.

what we mean by self-supported » our manifesto here

more about the organizers here

don’t you have WhatsApp, absolutely no problem! Subscribe to the news via eMail here

The Map

The route is subject to change!

Time Table

Day, TimeWhat
Friday 18:00Registration @Kaffeekranz (Luzern)
Saturday 07:30 – 08:20Registration, BaggageDrop, Coffee @Inseli (Luzern)
08:20Final Rider Briefing
08:30‹Neutralized› Start @Inseli
Sunday 04:00Finish area opens, Brunch @Sentitreff (Luzern)
from 11:00Lunch (Chili sin carne) & finisher beers
22:00CutOff time, Finish area closes
last updated: 01.12


the process
whats included
sorry, we’re sold out 🥲

We limited our guest-list to 100 and were sold out in less than two days! But there is still a chance to get a starting ticket by joining the waiting list, which we will use to fill a free spot.

*If you’re interested in participating in the event as a volunteer, feel free to reach out via Instagram.


Cap NoNameTeam / Club / Motto / IG
11Lukas HumbelRC Seebach, @deechtiluki
12Jens ChiaviNoName, (facebook)
14Philipp Vogel@philippvogel212
15Willi FelixTeam HOPE-1000
16Simon Schmid
17Rico Roesti
18Manuel Brügger
19Sebastian WeicheVC Peloton, @sebweiche
20Ronald Zandstra@ronald_sandman
21Pius Gloor@napf.geist
22Franz Lipp
23Niels StoffersTeam RM Nielsen
24Daniel Gona@zudago
25Christian WaserVelobude Luzern
26Marius Schada@26drlove
27Robin Skoge
28Fabian Furrer@fbnfrr
29Beat Ruettimann
30Jonas FlükigerCCR
31Stefan KieneDIMB Racing Team
32Christian ReberMemyselfandI
33Dennis Wildjuhui, @dennisthmenace
34Franziskus Weissbarth
35Nikolai StahrLet‘s try
36Luca Bernasconiisorno 🐜, @lucaridefree
37Moriz Schönbächler
38Patrick Staldersushi pro cycling, @schimli
39Cristian AgacheHumans on Bicycles, @cristian_agache
40Pius Erni
41Manuel NäfVelosportclub Beat Bräu, @w0mit0
42Claudio Limachernatourli & clalimach, @Natourli
43Michaël Vauthey@micvauthey
44Yannick RubliTeam R/S, @yaru44
45Stavros AntifakosVeloliebi.ch & furkabikes.ch, @s.antifakos
46Christian Bachofner
47Andy Styger
48Henri WalterThervmble.com, @Henri1112
49Benjamin Schroeteler
50Alessandro Hänggli
51Mathias JägerRgmt100, @Matze_umunum.ch
52Andrea Guidugli@aa___andrea
53Andrea Seiermann@cakenger
54Pirmin Bütler@natourli.ch pro-team
55Jonathon MacDougallSushi Pro Cycling
56Lucas Strittmatter@lucas_strittmatter
57Alfons Gut@alfons.gut
58Ellena Brandner@elli_brndnr
59Flurin Kipfer
60Em WilsonFeminist Messenger Cycling Club, @em_de.la_creme
61Cristian Batista@Xiriri92
62Dominik BrunVelobude Luzern, @brun.dominik
63Ralf BaumannTeam Baumann-inside, @rumskugel
64Pierre GasparottoVelosophe, @p.m.g_
65Max Rieder@maaxiri1
66Philipp MartyStrava, marchdarters.ch
67Simone Eder@i_like_the_long_way
68Simon Casanova@casanovaontour
69Lino Capponi🤭🫨😴😵😮‍💨🤡🤠
70Julie von GruenigenDKC, @julieta.bicicleta
71Felix Mechelke
72Nils Müller
73Luki Moorall cyclists are beautiful
74Roman Eich@thesamureich
75Guillaume De CezacGUIZMO
76Manuel Schmid@mountaintosurf
77Nemo BrigattiVeloblitz, @extranemo
78Woohyun JungEarly Bird Rider
79Peter Flütsch@peterfluetsch
80Jochen Bihn
81Noah Eugsterzäbzäräp
82Nora Bataillard@norabataillard
83Sebastian AlligBICI Vino e formaggi, @mitdemfahrradreifenlol
84Vincent BodmerUG155, @velo_vince
85Oliver GygerSputnik-Bikeshop.ch
86Dimitri Spindler@endurancedates
89Estelle Pasche@0uest_elle
90Moritz Grämigerscgr, @moritzgrae
91Marco Stalder
92Noah DolmetschBitzli velofahre
93David Röllibe water
94Mascha Wahlig@maschawahlig
95Anna Pomwenger@annapomwenger
last updated: 31.12

Cap NoNamesTeam / Club / Motto / IG
111Johannes Preindl, Simon BücheleTeam schnell müad
112Alexandru-Lucian Pop, Sergej IsbrechtSchleudergang, @pop.alex.alp, @hanswurst315
114Elvira Schmid, Vera Camponovo@veroise
115Dominik Baeriswyl, Christophe BaeriswylInstitut für Grobmotorik
116Rolf Steiner, Michael GantnerNO SURRENDER
117Antoine Monnot, Stella WalterConcious rocks, @antoinemnn, @stellawltr
118Manon Arduino, Adrian Pirletmindful hills, @manonarduino, @adrianpirlet
119Lukas Baier, Meik RandeggerLUME
120Tim Frankowski, Julie Grobcrux crew, @Timfrankowski_ @Juliegrxb
121William Häni, Vincent HeyVetterli Dream
122Marco Glutz, Tom SiegenthalerWoodheads
123Moritz Kneuer, Ferdi Weigl@moritzkneuer, @ferdi.wgl
124Dominic Kunz, Jan SteinerWandergröppli Alperose, @kunzdominic, @jan.ibergen
125Barbara Bucher, Hansruedi BucherSchlusslicht
last updated: 30.12

Sponsors & Partners


🌱 estimated CO₂ amount of this event: 14 tons, which we offset with myclimate.org 🌱